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Good Morning One and All

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WELSHYORKIE | 05:52 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Good morning to you all from a less windy, but still breezy, North Wales. At least there is no rain, as yet, although some is promised for later.


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sleep well Sag2 xx
welshy indeed, though i do love autumn and it's colours, don't like the grey, especially when it's wet. But the sky is beginning to get brighter, so coffee on.
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Mike - he's just an idiot - I mean he probably puts sheep sh1t on his muesli thinking they're raisins or sultanas
mike - apologies, I thought you meant 5.06 and 5.10 on this one: http://www.theanswerb.../Question1056462.html

Welshy - just keep playing the dvds in the memory and enjoy the weekend daylight x Autumn suits my reflective mood and I always appreciate my home more when there is a distinct lack of daylight and I can't get out so much ☺
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Goodnight sagz - sleep tight hope the bed bugs don't bite
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ttfn - he can't help it, bless him, the psychiatrists will let him out one day (god help us)
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Righty ho, guys, time for me to go now so:

Y'all have a good day and may your god (if you have one) go with you
Beautiful morning in owdham,blue sky, bit breezy, dont know what the rest of the day holds, time to put kettle on.
have a good one Welshy.
There he goes, right on cue, well I can't hang about here insulting a lost Yorkshire man I have jobs to do in Bournemouth.....She loves me , she loves me not...etc etc.
Morning dear Welshy, hope you are well

morning all
Guess which one I resemble the most, Moony ;) ROFL
Aunt jemima
Hang on a mo, I need a lie down after that av ^^ thudddddddddddd

Note to self: order some finger stalls for work

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