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A great day out in Fleetwood Yesterday

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delphfolk | 13:04 Fri 19th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Took the grandkids swimming at the leisure centre in fleetwood then a picnic
on the beach,then called to see Doc and Puss on the way home.A great time was had by all .M&S


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That's nice :-)
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I used to like Fleetwood Mac. But Stevie Nicks has gone all strange - she always did make Kate Bush sound manly, but now she sounds as though she's been sucking in helium before warbling.

Sorry, not quite the same thing is it. I get carried away on a tangent me ;-)
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I still do. When I go later today, that will be the third day in a row. I shall soon have shoulders like Sharron Davis & mammaries like Dolly Parton ;-)
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I didn't say I was a feckin' mermaid.....
Don't suppose you can pee in the pool either, when you're a grown up.
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I didn't mean Gerald Depardeau style. I meant when one was in the pool.
You can. It's just that you shouldn't....
(But it's false what they tell you about that blue dye they put in pools - so if someone wee's in it, it turns the water all around the perpetrator blue)

Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

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A great day out in Fleetwood Yesterday

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