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News of the World and eBay

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starone | 20:13 Mon 11th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I see I was right about copies of the last News of the World being offered on eBay. Even earlier than I thought they are being offered at £30 each. Wait a while and they will be worth even more. Anyone got a copy?


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yes i got one, never bought one in my life before now
Not got one, wouldn't bother buying one.
Certainly not!
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Save it carefully dotty. Could be worth a fortune.
Boxy, I agree with you, always has been a load of rubbish, but collectors will buy anything (almost).
Not sure how they can say "sad but proud" on their front page. Sad, yes.
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OMG - is this real or a spoof offer? I would want an armed guard to deliver that.
I went to my local supermarket yesterday at about 5 pm. Whilst most of the Sunday papers had sold out there were loads of copies of the NOTW lying on the shelves. I was very surprised by this as I had been led to believe that they would all have been snapped up first thing. I didn't buy a copy.
Sir Prize is that for the paper or the building????
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Just had a look on eBay and someone wants ten million pounds for a copy. What an idiot, or maybe I will be if they get it.
Are there any buyers?
I paid a quid for mine, it's in the kitchen somewhere, i only bought it for the re-prints of the historical front pages
I didnt buy one , I havent for at least 20 years when they stopped doing a crossword I liked, had I bought one it wuld have been in the bin by now not saved for prosperity, too many copies to be worth much.
Millions of copies of this newspaper of this paper were sold. Most will be thrown away but there will still be thousands retained as "collector's items" and because there are so many they will only have a minimal value for many years (unless you can find an idiot who has money to burn). Surely a real collector would have simply bought a copy on Sunday?

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