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is it just me?

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sara3 | 13:24 Sun 05th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
the site is so slow today.. or is it me?


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I found it really bad yesterday........
No. It's slow
Seems ok to me Sara.
it's you, you're not with it today.
It's fine for me.

It probably knobby registering loads of user names slowing it down !!
Have I missed him?
No, it's fine, just not much happening?
No, he's about, steaming up the windows....
but you weren't on yesterday craft, you were (rumours has it) otherwise engaged .....
-- answer removed --
I am finding it slow tooooooooo
Yes Michael I saw the 'rumours'................
No Mick................I have long hair.
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I've got other sites open and they're fine.. it's just AB.

maybe I'm on a slow-burn suspension!
Mine's not at all slow in changing screens etc., and I've got other sites open too...
Craft was on Mick - we were discussing your poor typing skills :)

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