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Jemima Can't and Jezza Clarkson?

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Bbbananas | 07:24 Tue 10th May 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
No fluffin' way....

That's as outrageous a thought as, say, Elizabeth Hurley & Shayne Warne. Honestly !


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Whats that all about?
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Some silly Twitter rumour about illicit liaisons. Can you think of any more an unlikely couple?

I'll start - Prince Edward & Jordan (not Eddie Jordan - PE might say yes to him...)
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Sh1te - is that Treason?
John Terry and any woman
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Is he now batting for the other side then welshy???
No, I just think that any woman worthy of being called a woman wouldn't touch him with a bargepole or is that what he has to offer, I wonder?
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Well welshy, I wouldn't touch his bargepole with a bargepole. Or a punting rod. I wouldn't want to come within 6 feet of it. He does nothing for me....
Nor me, Sal lol
Stranger things have happened! What's one man's (or woman's) meat is another man's (or woman's) poison.( I love these old sayings). And look at John Prescott, would you fancy him? Obviously someone did! Can't think of anyone else offhand but there are a great many. Jeremy whatsisname? Well, you know what I mean.
Laughing @ John Terry - I really can't abide that man. Such an arrogant, thick t**t ,!
Don't hold back oopsy, tell it as it is !!!
I love Clarkson :-)
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I like some of his political correctness and not-giving-a-fluff attitude, but I could never fancy him. Or Richard Hammond. I'd have James May out of that little trio. But he'd have to at least brush his hair first.
Sal, James bats for the other side.
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You sure? He's got a wife? (I know that doesn't always mean much,,,, but....)
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Nah, sorry, definitely not gay.
Thasnk goodness for that. I like him (Apologies and grovels to James and Sal)

Obviously I'm not awake and got him confuddled with another nice guy.
Clarkson is rumoured (how else can I know) to have the biggest todger in the business. Looks knock-kneed to me!
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