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Whoops ... So much for data protection

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SIRandyraven | 10:00 Sun 17th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
And another government department IT cock up


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And they need to pay and train their IT staff to the level of those in the private sector. Not pandering to putting so much information in the public domain in the first place might help too.
Question Author
Yes I agree.
Hope they look after all Census data better.

Glad I did not anything on my form that can be used by Joe public against me.
Like what? Your name and address? Your occupational status? Religion?

What could be used against you?
Had my second visit on saturday and another card pushed through the door :)
Question Author
ummmmmm ...yes
I don't people knowing where I work and what I do and that I might be away from the house all day.
That's how you get burgled.

If others are not worried about that , then fine fill in the info.
It's a free country ...
oh whoops maybe not
Question Author
As far as the census is concerned ....
I live in a one bedroom caravan
No car
No qualifications
Never worked and not looking for work

It's all the truth.
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Fair enough...
thats another three or four officers and MOD folk to be loaded into the sub tubes and pointed at (i) Libya (ii) Iran (iii) North Korea - take your pick.
Reported !

For boringly banging on about the census.........despite banging on boringly when the census 'issue' was current....
Question Author
Better to be safe than sorry.

Fine ...I'm over reacting ...
Thats my choice.
Question Author
oh no reported ...oh my god ....

How will I survive without answerbank

Sorry Jackthehat ....
I will only e-mail you first for permission to post next time.
Do you have a little monitors badge on your lapel ?

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Whoops ... So much for data protection

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