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The eBay auction for the wet suit and ....

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SIRandyraven | 21:00 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Well it's now a raffle ....

Got my tickets ...
Not sure what the heck I would do with the most of the prizes however


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I've reposted the link on Facebook. I can't believe people bid but didn't pay up.
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Yes I know ....
But when it went viral and had 600,000 plus views , you sort of expected the nutters to come out to play.
Sara3 if I win , you can have the surf board
Thanks for posting this Andy - I'm gutted for the poor guy and will buy a shed load of tickets come payday :)
That website and Ebay post are the funniest things I've read for ages!

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The eBay auction for the wet suit and ....

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