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What is it about Hairdressers?

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Noraq | 13:41 Wed 30th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
They listen intently to what you want them to do with your hair.....and then they do the exact opposite!!!Grrrrrr


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China's style would be cut by a training junior just to get the feel of scissors. Its weighted with basic perimeter trim for a school child.
Cheers tambo but my hair is in very good nick..............which is why he keeps stroking it :-(
China's style was cut by the owner of the salon!
craft....he's hoping it gets longer so's to cut & flog it for extensions.
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One of the worse hairdressers I ever went to was a very well qualified hairdresser who owned his own salon. Everyone came out with the same style!

I have cut my own hair in the past and have also cut hair for a lot of people quite successfully. I have had no training whatsoever!!
And BOO,

I'll get me own back!!!
lol loftymullet - do you square dance and can you do the achey breaky

(legs it faster than boo)

I got my own back on BOO, now I will aim for you Fluff!!!
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Washed and blow dried my hair...Looks a little better now...a little less Susan Boyle'ish!!

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What is it about Hairdressers?

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