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Saw on TV yesterday...............

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LoftyLottie | 15:31 Mon 28th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
................ that the world is going to end the day after I go on holiday (20 May) Is it worth packing or putting the cat in a cattery, just for one day.


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they can't get the bloody forecast right Lottie so I would still
Question Author
Mind you the whole of our little family will be together, including the dog!! (but not the cat :o( ) Perhaps we should take her with us.
yep, take her just be on the safe side Lottie.........:-)
Where ..What ...World end why ?
I need to draw all my money out of the bank and spend it quick ....
Question Author
Well loads of people are saying it will end next year and this new theory is based on numerical calculations which are so complex that I can't remember them.

21st May 2012 !!
When i was a lot younger 12 years old , I remember a woman (OAP) was in the High Road of the village I lived in was giving away all her money ...she was handing out £5 notes to all the kids ...
My mother made me take mine to the police station.
Boo ....Hiss ...They were aware of her and said they would reunite her with the money that was handed in.
Bet the copper had a few pints with it ...if fact be know lol
oh 2012 ....not 2011 ...ok

Will they start the Olympics early ?
LL....did they say what time? Was planning to have a pint or two with my mate at lunchtime, so may need to bring it forward.
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I meant 2011, sorrry. Did you think you had an extra year!! No such luck
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Oh I quite fancy being 'Raptured'
Can you leave your lovely Garden to me in your Will please ! ;-))))
I'm guessing I won't be in the 2% that get "raptured".
> Oh I quite fancy being 'Raptured'

Do you? An eternity with with Christians? Give me the other place any day...
Don't go all serious on me Mark, missing you already.
Sounds like a fruit loop to me.. Scare mongering ;-(

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Saw on TV yesterday...............

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