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Early birthday present.

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B00 | 19:11 Fri 18th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Dont think anyone else will be interested really, but im so giddy and excited over them, i could pop.

Mr Boo gave me an early birthday present today....a pair of very very pretty sky high Jimmy Choos. I keep taking them out of their little protective cover and stroking them.


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Lucky you, B00 - but those heels would give me vertigo. Have you tried them on yet?
Oh yes, they're lovely B00!
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Yes Boxy, i took two steps in them, then quickly took em off again as i was marking the soles from my floor, rofl.

Not entirely sure how i'd go about actually walking in them.
Beautiful and elegant... What's your shoe size? 'oP
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they're a size 6 CD.
just as well he didn't get you some proper Dozy Mare shoes

(you could check your emails again btw)
woo B00 you lucky bunny
Horse-hoof shoes? Blimey, now I've seen everything ....
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Jno, rofl- busted again, ive now replied, sorry xxx
Size 6 you say? Good to hear.... send us your address eh? ;oP
jno - that's worse than a camel's toe! :)
boo, boo, boo i am so jealous. they are to die for.
carry on enjoying them. x

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Early birthday present.

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