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Online relationships ....

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mrs.chappie | 22:30 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Have you had one and did it work for you? Or did it fizzle out?

(Okay, okay, I'm just a nosy bu88er. But at least I'm honest). :o)


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Vibes .... I've never kissed her.
thats not what fluff says !
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She's fibbing. Besides, I was confused. And drunk too. And she was wearing a false beard and insisted she was actually her brother.
Well everyone knows I met bobjugs on here. We've been together for nearly 9 months and we're very happy. We've taken a lot of stick over our relationship but it's all water off a duck's back.
I met my wife online 8 years ago, been married 3 years and have 6 year old daughter.
I met a few guys online that I went out for dates with. Most of them were just a bit odd. One took me to a pub where he lived because he knew his ex was in there. Very weird and awkward when they were discussing custody of the dog with me there. I did have a proper relationship with one guy I met online that was good for a while but ended disaterously but that wasn't anything to do with the fact I met him online. I gave up after that and met my current bf in the pub I worked in at a time when blokes were the last thing on my mind.
i have found online dating sites to be a complete waste of money, and judging by some reviews i would say a complete and utter scam, some which were once reputable have been bought by can only be described as cowboys and now are just rip offs
I met Mr CRX through a website called "faceparty" when it was a fairly decent site (2004)
id tried dating sites and also met a few guys from FP but there were a lot of frogs.
Started talking to mr crx just as friends in feb 2004, we lived too far apart and our jobs meant that nothing more than friendship would ocome from it.

Finally met face to face on 16th july 2004 and our son was born july 2005 followed by our daughter in April 2008. I had to move eventually as juggling two homes was hard.

We are very happy together :)
I remember Faceparty Red! I got soooo many creeps on there. You could see who had been looking at your profile and some of them seemed to look at it every second of the day. Was very weird.
lol it got even wierder after that, age restrictions, could only be a member if nominated etc. sadly it caused a lot of problems when people could see your profile even if you didnt want them to.
In the time i used it though i suggested it to 2 of my closest friends, both of which ended up in serious relationships.
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Hey, thanks for replies, peeps. x

Oooh, Faceparty ..... is it just me or does that sound like a dodgy porn site? :o)

NM, I'm glad to that you & BJ are still together. I did wonder, as I've not seen Bob on here for a while. Great news.
Can I join mrs c and say I too am very happy for you and bj NoMercy. Don't see you on here much any more but I suppose that's a good thing as it means you are getting on with real life. xx
Yes, now living together, though it was touch and go today after something she said/did. That said, it's the only time since we got together last year.
I have 2 good friends who I met through AB. One was in a domestic violence relationship about the same time as me and we helped each other build our new lives away from those men, she is now in a happy relationship and expecting a baby girl!
The other girl I met on here was vunerable and seemed like she needed to talk to someone, I gave her my email. I found out a few months after that she had been planning on ending it all that day by suicide. I'm so glad I prevented that, we talk regularly and she's doing well now.

I've never had a relationship with a man over the internet. My dad emailed me the other day though to say he is marrying a woman he met online. I expect it to fizzle out though as he says he has never met her, they just have a lot in common!
3 months redcrx? you hussy!
was slightly less than that, 4get if you do the maths and know that he was born 17 days late ;)

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