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on behalf of a friend.... *ahem*

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hippyhoppy | 20:17 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
she saw a chap today and whilst together he said 'we could of done this on Monday'.. and I.. SHE said 'but Monday was Valentines.. a day for your loved ones'.. and he answered 'Exactly'.. Good Lord.. is she loved?! (pft.. chance would be a fine thing!!)


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Well it sounds like it....or he's a charmer.
Oh well if you are free and feel the same, well she err may be!!
hh, are you in love. ie your friend ?
Question Author
Well anne - she go's 'squiggly' when she thinks of him..
could OF (yes you typed OF) done what on Monday? From a puzzled friend - *Ahem*
Is this the friend who is seeing a married man ?
I thought that one was over :-0
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jack - concur... (*shame*).. Sir .. is 'of' incorrect?
In that case, she'll probably find a more rewarding sort of love with a chap who is free to bestow all that he has to give on her..........alone.
I didn't understand Hippy's did you Jack?
Saw him oiday, as in for the first time?

If so, he just wants in your knickers.
It's a gift,'s a gift...............:o)
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Jack - she know's you're right.. and she has no delusions that they will waft off to the sunset.. infact.. she's perfect Mistress material... she's just a tad lonely of an eve...
hippy - 'of' is incorrect. Try 'have'?
oh pfft he's married? LOL

Then yes, he definitely wan'ts to get in your knickers. And frankly, as far as he's concerned ,the sooner the better (less lies needed for the wife that way) my first post...he's a charmer and he's keeping you sweet. Each to their own though.
The "friend" wants her head looking at..........JTH and B00 are definately right. Being a tad lonely on an eve is quite common. Look for someone single, with 100% commitment on both sides. Not a quick grubby leg-over when it's convenient with some old lothario.
ask your friend, how she would feel if she was the wife.

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on behalf of a friend.... *ahem*

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