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Complete lack of sleep

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jb190281 | 02:17 Wed 12th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Its driving me mad! So tonight, I'm staying up late, with the hope that I'll be desperately seeking my bed soon enough!

Fairly quiet here this time of night, thought there might be some insomniacs out there


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Why can't you sleep? Is bump making you uncomfortable?
Question Author
Ridiculously uncomfortable, seems to have got worse in last 10 days or so. It's very annoying!
I you sleep with a pillow under it?
Question Author
Been doing that, and it's great for an hour or so, but then I'm awake and visiting the loo every, well it seems like every half hour, and can't get comfy when I'm back in bed
They say it's a way for your body to get used to the night time wakens when baby is here...
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I think, hope, I'll be able to cope with that. What gets me more than anything is the frustration of being so uncomfortable.

"it'll be worth it in the end" seems to have lost it's charm!
Oh sweetheart I remember that only too well, used to get up and potter about the house doing quiet jobs LOL, if you have been to any classes try the breathing techniques.
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the nights seem so long!! ah well!!

are you more of a night owl?
Yes I am hun, easy when you have few responsibilities as I do, but I seem to recall when pregnant that the in breath you make your tummy bigger and the out breath smaller if that makes any sense at this hour, it is quite calming.

Plus when you are so pregnant I bet I sound quite mad. Also try to lie in the recovery position too.

Am excited for you even though my good news is through am still thinking of you.♥
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I've just managed a couple of hours, thank the lord!!
can you manage a few hours during the day jb?

Glad you managed a couple of hours, I remember being so uncomfy in the last couple of weeks x
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I can't seem to manage much during the day either, think I grabbed half hour the other afternoon but that was it
Have you tried sleeping in a more upright position, with perhaps 3 pillows, so that you're not putting any pressure on 'bump'?
Question Author
It feels like I've tried everything!

I'm yawning like mad tonight so fingers crossed

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Complete lack of sleep

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