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What is your biggest blunder to date?

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Bobbisox | 11:34 Sun 09th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
When we came from hols late Thursday night, there some Christmas cards on the hall table unopened, I flicked through them and in one was a 40th Birthday invite for last night, I wish I had read it
I rushed around yesterday getting the card and the present for her...
errrmmm, it was her husbands 40th and not hers so we arrived with a bonny pink glittery card, a leather purse and make-up bag and a bottle of Baileys...for him, he thought it was hilarious too...


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Customer Service...murray
Aaaaaah ! You service customers ?
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I am too old donchya know...for that..LOL
CS advisor - posh title for call handler. Not mocking, did it myself.
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ha-ha,,,nahhh Mike this was post BT days
Hello bobbi and welcome back.
Just popped in to wish you and Bill A Very Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Kindest regards dg x

PS Hope you had a great time on holiday.
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hello dg, thanks, same to you and mrs dg, all the best for 2011
yes we did have a really nice time (missed Ben like crazy tho') but he would have
loved his Xmas with or without us being there..
my daughter was checking the house the day we travelled home and asked him did he want to go with her, he wanted to know if Grandma was there, cos if she wasn't he didn't want to come down here,,,arhhh Bless..LOL
Its little things like that,that make being a grandparent so lovely.
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it is dg x
AND... being able to give them back at the end of the looooooooong day !!!!
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Must agree to that !
-- answer removed --
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mmmm could be

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