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So guys...

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society | 18:08 Sat 01st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
So guys, who gets your vote for AB-er of the year (2010)?

- Most helpful

- Most funny

- A pain in the butt

- A real pal

- A smart arse

- Smartest

- Weirdest

- Coolest

- Makes you want to be their friend

- All round nice person

*If you copy and paste the list it'd make it much easier for the reader to follow your choice. ;-)


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Best Answer

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- Most helpful - Chris, Andy, Chuck, Barmaid, Naz

- Most funny - Butch, Zippy, Vibes, Fluffy, Salla

- A pain in the butt - Molly, Jaydah, Bobbi, zzxxee

- A real pal - Dris, Vibes, Fluffy, Jack, NoM

- A smart arse - Mark

- Smartest - Naomi

- Weirdest - Jaydah

- Coolest - Doc

- Makes you want to be their friend - Same as 'pals'

- All round nice person - Mamy, ttfn, pixi, Jem,

I might ad to this list...
I hate these list as it's always the same regulars whose names crop up.As it should be...but it's too much like being in High School,with the yearly popularity contest.
Different people at different times, society, I'd be hard pressed to name the same person for the whole year.....
have to agree with pasta, I have decided to not join in with the list making, sorry soc x
too contentious.. plus I never make anyone's list and will have to up my meds :o/
Question Author
Most helpful - Buenchico, Chuck

Most funny - Ummm, Molly

A pain in the butt – Molly, The trolls

A real pal – DocSpoc, Dotty

A smart arse - MarkRae

Smartest – Chuck, TheProf, Sqad, Naomi

Weirdest – Mr Veritas, InAPickle

Coolest – JJ, Ummm

Makes you want to be their friend - Dothawkes

All round nice person – Boxtops, TTfn, Maize
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and there you go.... !
Same as Sara but change meds to chocolate!
That was quick, the offensive is/was back.....
tigger, I've already overdosed on chocolate ;o)
Question Author
None is forced to join in or answer. It's just a way to see how well we know our fello ABers, and appreciate them.

Cazzy, you are always cool, and quite helpful. You slipped my mind... X
lol.. so that's not contentious.. lol!
Didn't even see that one!
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And those of us who no longer live on here are invisible.....or maybe just mediocre.
That must be me too Pasta.
most helpful - Rosebud; craft; cazzzz; Barmaid
most funny: doc; naz nomad; zippy
a pain in the butt; vibra and bobbi
a real pal: mrs chappie; society; dris;
a real smart arse: forgot his name but the one who keeps dissing garth
smartest: mmm Buenchico probably
weirdest: steve 5 lol
coolest: waterboatman
makes you want to be their friend: wolf
all round nice person: mrs chappie mrs overall and society
I think you're all bloody nutters :-)
Question Author
How could I forget you Crafty, you always make me laugh. Happy New Year! x

See, so many names to remember...

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So guys...

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