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Hello Bigmamma

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TheOtherHalf | 12:18 Wed 29th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Sorry I put this under the wrong heading before

Hello and a warm welcome back BM. Hope you had a lovely christmas and are keeping well. Lovely to see you on here again. Take care xxxxxx


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Hello lovely to see you here.

BIG ((((HUGS)))) to you.
Hiya BM :c)
Hi BM. Hope you're keeping well. x x
Big Mamma's back!!! Great.

That's fantastic Big Mamma.
hi TheOtherHalf and all , lovely to be able to see you now my dongle is behaving , happy new year xxx
hey mamma xxx hope you have had a lovely xmas xx
Lovely to see you back :o) you've been missed. xx
ive missed being on here , what with my dongle and life inside the home i cannot always get online xxxxx
Hi BM, nice to see you back. Hope you are here to stay! :o) xxx

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Hello Bigmamma

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