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rubbish/odd presents

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mollykins | 10:54 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Did any of you get presents yesterday that you truely hate or are just plain odd?

A set consisting of brushes, a comb and mirror may not be odd, but to get the same set off of the same person two years in a row is . . . .


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I didn't say I didn't like it, jsut that it was odd . . . .
I am doing all of Christmas and presents today so don't know yet but did you get that off a 'Nan' type person? My nan used to give me that regularly.
well you cant beat mine! opening purfume only to find its actually aftershave!! lol
not a cheap giftset either lol
I dont think a brush and comb set are plain odd, people buy the gifts they do because they dont know what to buy or are bad at buying gifts, you will go a long way to get a worst gift than millys boss who bought his wife a plastic chopping board
the local pub handed out presents and I got a shell shaped salt and pepper set. luckily my bloke needed a raffle prize for footie today
" will go a long way to get a worst gift than millys boss who bought his wife a plastic chopping board "

pmsl ... or even TWO of them.
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Yes prudie infact my nans sister, but she still has all her marbles . . . .

donna was it meant for someone else? Did a male get something girly from the same person?
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Cazz, getting the exact same one, two years in a row, off of the same person is IMO

4getmenot, at least you're recycling it . . . .

exactly naz!
"pmsl ... or even TWO of them."

And the (not matching) colander!
at least you got something molly, be grateful.
I got mincemeat shortbread, sound revolting don't know if I should even open it
I liked all my pressies. My brother got me the latest Ricky Gervais DVD Science which I'm going to watch after little Tiggs goes to sleep. He got loads of pressies including a baby walker.
my husband bought me a beautiful michel herbelin watch with pearly white face and tiny gold dots and diamond accents for the numbers. Im as blind as a bat and cant read it at all.
I always tell everyone what I want. That way I don't get useless gifts.
Like all of my presents!...they were given with love!.......................
molly, see if you get a third one next year! ;o)

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