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Youngest ever mother

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factor-fiction | 08:21 Mon 20th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I just stumbled upon this while I was looking to answer a question about youngest person to have a number one single.
This girl apparently became a mother at the age of 5. Unbelievable.


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"Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name."
many years ago, I remember a mother in Brazil aged 9. (Your link doesn't go anywhere?)
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Sorry chuck- I'll try again
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Yes, the link works now. A mother at age 5 apparently. Of course articles on Wikepedia aren't always reliable.
That's extraordinary, factor.
Poor little girl
I did some digging around about the 5 year old mother ages ago and it seems as if it is a true story.

5 Year old - my niece is 7 in January and still believes in Santa and plays with dolls. She is still a very young child.
I remember this. Her father said she had bathed in the pool of birth!! Dare I say an ignorant peasant without sounding as if I thought I was better than him (which I do). I think the girl and her son are possibly still alive. I remember reading that they lived as brother and sister I think in some big city possibly New York, bit vague I know. I felt so sorry for her and him of course. I cannot imagine how awful it must have been for that child to give birth - bad enough for an adult.
Yes its a true story.

I remember reading this a few years ago.

She never did say who the father was either. Think the son she had moved to America?
oh sorry starbuckone, didn't see that you'd said the same thing- oopsie!
this doesnt ring true to me 5 years old, sorry dont beleive it,and i dont beleive in virgin births either♥♥♥
Who mentioned virgin birthday???

If you don't believe that wiki leak- read the newspaper articles it cites right at the bottom of that page charmer.

sadly is IS true.
birthday? I meant births!

Think i need to go back to bed ...
How sad... There are a couple of young female patients here (not quite as young as 5 but not far off) who my doctor is treating for precocious puberty, it's quite distressing for them and their families.
ok boo read it in amazement felt really sad about it,5 year old deary me,
Precocious puberty is distressing enough............I wonder if they ever established quite who thought having sex with a 5-year old was acceptable ?
That's O.K Boo. Sometimes posts do cross one another don't they? I hate it when I put an answer to a crossword clue and by the time I press submit discover there are half a dozen answers before mine, (which I had thought was brilliant).
Does anyone else find it astonishing that, in times past, cases similar to this one emerged - and I mean from the time of this story, onwards - and yet there was no aparent willingness to openly discuss the child abuse at the root of the pregnancies? It seems that all the shock-horror is focussed on a baby being born to one very young girls but there was no rigorous attempts to bring the abusers to justice.
That is so sad. She must have been quite frightened. Its a shame they couldn't do DNA testing back then to find out if she had been abused by her father or anyone else. Father seems to have been found innocent due to lack of evidence.
Wikipedia article says her son Gerardo died in 1979 from a bone marrow disease. Ron.

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Youngest ever mother

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