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OK I had to go out anyway!

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dotty. | 21:30 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I feel censured but never mind, this is one of those digressing threads again! I have to go and pick my son up, I've got used to driving in the ice and snow but I;m going to practice usin the snowflake button on the gear change thingy!


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I have to drive to work tomorrow dotty and I am dreading it!
I didn't want to go out today, but was forced to in order to get some basic essentials of life (bottle of gin and twenty fags). Having made the effort I treated myself to a couple of luxuries (loaf of bread and and a pint of milk).
be sure the mobile's charged & you got warm clothes. Wot car Dot, is it a 4wd
lol mike!
I had to go "oop North" on Thursday and the weather forecast was bad. So I took an additional set of clean warm clothes, a sleeping bag, a shovel, a torch, a flask of coffee and some food. Consequently everything was absolutely fine!!!!!
^^^ ... bet you looked a right twit on the train?
lmao Naz. I wasn't going to trust the trains!! My line comes direct from Scotland and if there are more than 2 snowflakes it grinds to a halt!!!! I had visions of getting there and then not being able to get back - that seemed like the ultimate nightmare.
I boasted on a thread very early this morning that although the temperature here was below average, we had no snow. Should have kept my gob shut. Just had to plough home through 12 inches of the stuff!
Awful here mike, right on the coast, I have said so many times 'we never have more than a flutter of snow, and then it's gone' well too much said there too, it snowed on Thursday and Friday night, and now we have ice and impacted snow everywhere, there's been snow on the beach for two days now!
Barmaid, the clothes dont need to be clean ;o). Oh, and you forgot your candle and lighter/matches. A lit candle in your car can help keep the temperature up. (not when you are driving!!!) and careful if you go to sleep!
But BM you could have stayed at Bobbi's, or mine if you hadn't got that far north :-)
Mike you must be getting it all on the coast we had a light dusting about 6pm but nothing since
a candle in the car sounds a good idea, maybe, but it gets windy here on the coast, I'd be scared of the car rocking, and the cndle falling down!......result.............burnt out car!............
Welsh - I keep a supply of tea lights - less likely to fall over!

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OK I had to go out anyway!

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