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Ahhhh just played a Garth song dead loud and me cat appeared from under the sofa!!!

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dotty. | 22:56 Sat 04th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
That's a fan in the making!!!


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Cat probably wants to go out of cat flap to escape the racket
The RSPCA will be after you dotty.
Poor Cat
probably thought "I could do that"
"probably thought "I could do that"

Actually LOL'd at that ... superb. :-))
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I don't know what that means
Dot.......comparing Brooks' voice to that of a wailing cat perhaps?
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ahhhh, ooohhhhh, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
No, more of a whiny meeow I think

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Ahhhh just played a Garth song dead loud and me cat appeared from under the sofa!!!

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