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wendilla | 10:02 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I was sitting in my car reading the paper waiting for my Grandson to come out from school.I got this knock on window and I saw a police badge so I opened the window slightly as I am always careful. He said "I am a police officer and I am a bit concerned about you reading the paper and your handbag on the seat as anyone walking past could smash your window. You would get such a shock at your window being broken your bag would be gone".He wasn't in uniform but sounded genuine. There was another one just 2 or 3 cars up waiting on him.So I will take his advice as it is a bad habit I have but I always have the doors locked and I only wound the window slightly down just enough to talk.Just thought I would share this with you as i bet I am not the only one that does this.


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You're not in th UK, are you, Khandro ?
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lol lol nice one Vibrasphere
Wendi ...

I bet you didn't think that this little liece of advice would turn into such hard work !!

As my car is a soft top it has a large glove compartment for my handbag which can only be opened with the ignition key.......
Lol Craft....don't forget to mention it's actually a go kart :-)
I thought your car could actually fit into your handbag, craft......? :o)
I see.........humph!!
you'd probably be better off leaving your handbag on the seat, rather than locked in the glovebox though, craft...

Better to loose a handbag then somebody picking up the car and stealing that.
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He is right, but you can't live your life in fear and have to do things in a way that is functional and makes life easier for you.
Don't put lots of valuable thing in your bag, it's no big deal if it gets robbed then.
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Thank you all for your replies.I hope I have helped some people to think twice and not leave there's on seat. I certainly won't.
LOL TTfn @ handbag in seatbelt. This is a good tip, and I find it so funny. ;-)

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