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Jemisa | 00:12 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue.



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Did you have a statue day today Jem?
00:23 Thu 07th Oct 2010
i must be a statue every day because i always have plaque (i'm here all week)
thats life jem.............
Did you have a statue day today Jem?
sometimes I'm the one with the rifle....pigeon pie tonight.....
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You've guessed it society, I knew what sort of day it was going to be after I dropped a carton of Orange juice on the kitchen floor, The nooks and crannies orange juice can get into is unbelievable, even this morning I'm finding more.
Then the chest of drawers I ordered & had waited 10 days for arrived - Damaged, grrr! & to cap it all my neighbour (87) tripped up a step and went down with a wallup, we spent hours in the A&E (she's ok but badly bruised) Kept her in overnight.

So yes from a great hight.

I accept I mostly a statue. But some day the pigeons will all die surely =)
I think I am the statue more than the pigeon..

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