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what is this melody?

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scholarbowlchick | 00:03 Sat 25th Sep 2010 | Music
6 Answers
Okay, I'm really hoping you can help me. Have you ever heard a melody within a song but can't seem to place that melody? Well, that happens to me all the time. So here's how it goes:
B (half note) B F# G (half note) E (half note)
A (half note) A E F# (half note)
The chords are A major, A major, D major, D major, G major, G major, A major, A major


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can you hum it?
"Have you ever heard a melody within a song but can't seem to place that melody".

All the time - it does my head in. Is there any way you could whistle/play then record it and save it to some remote location?
My record for an unidentified and much sought after melody so far is 31 years.
I tried every search technique in the book before a contemporary of mine played it on his radio station.
(It was 'Greenwich Chorus', by Peter Howell).
Can you write it again and say whether the notes are moving up or down to the next one along?
Go here to play the notes everyone : )
Good isn't it!? Can select various instruments too.
Nice idea but how do you deal with the latency ?

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what is this melody?

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