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What Happened Last Night?

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yelenots | 16:29 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just being dead nosey....but can anyone tell me what was happening on here last night? Keep reading comments that refer to it!


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nothing that doesnt happen on a regular basis.

all finished with now though, i think, so no need to be concerned
I screen grabbed all of it so I can replay it over and over again at my leisure. Quality stuff.
it was the usual hormone related ranting...
Same crap different day - he said, she said and I don't like you because my friend doesn't like you and boo hoo... Or something like that anyway.
I hope I was ruder than that CD...............
craft.... have you been sitting on your bum all day? I have. My own of course, not yours...
I left out the swearies craft because I'm a lady...
I have indeed snags............I swear it's getting bigger by the minute.........
I do not know?bc It is my first day on here!!
Jack130 - Step away from your '?' key.............
jackthehat... step away from your ............. key ;-p

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What Happened Last Night?

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