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Make the day go quicker!!

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wiggal | 11:12 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I'm all excited! Off to see my sister & SIL this weekend and can't wait! But still have 6 hours to go at work, grrr!

Looking forward to it so much, haven't seen them since March, and my sister has had a really rough few months, well she has had a breakdown :-( But is now on the mend and started back at work part time on Wednesday.

Need to make the day go quicker, so atleast then I only have to be impatient waiting for my OH to get in and get sorted before we leave!



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Have a lovely time Wiggal!!
Mercia did you come to a conclusion over your neighbourly friend?
Well, he's freeing up some capital to pay for the school fees, but he's staying put for now thank goodness - sorry to hijack your thread Wiggal!!
have a lovely time wiggal ♥
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Thank you mercia & Bobbi!

Last time I saw her, was the weekend they had got my tickets to see Katherine Jenkins for my birthday, and the week after I split with my ex, then when I am up there my sister falls apart completely, and I ended up coming home earlier and bringing her with me, so it was a hell of a weekend to say the least.

Her in tears, her wife in tears when she was actually awake, my 10 yr old nephew crying his eyes out, me upset and crying, and my OH of all of a week had to drive 150 miles to come get me!

As soon as he got there we had to take her rabbit to the vets to be put to sleep as no one else could (and that was not even the reason for the crying!)

So this is the first time I have seen them all since then, and my OH gets to meet them now they are all abit more stable lol!
her wife?
wiggal, is she in a civil partnership ?
Hope the day speeds by for you
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Yea they are bobbi.

Thank you greedyfly!
have just moved desks so I am sat with the other people left in the office so have someone to talk to know, may help a bit!
well I hope everything is well for them now wiggal and they can move forward and be very happy, putting all sadness behind them, enjoy your time with them pet x

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Make the day go quicker!!

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