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Bobjugs and NoM

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karenmac60 | 01:47 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I know I'm not the only one who has told these 2 to get a room, and there seem to have been some doubters that it's true, but I think the whole thing is lovely and I hope it works out for them. It's been very entertaining in a very soap opera kind of way, but Bob has had a rough go of it and NoM is lovely. I really hope they can make a go of things and be happy together (I've had a bad week and a couple of drinks and am feeling all soppy). Cheers to you both x


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Well that's very kind of you, Karen, thank you.

Bob and I have had a tendency to get carried away at times, but that's just raging hormones for you....
And I take the p as well but as I have said before, you will only know if it is the right decision when you look back on it, always better to try than back away I think.
I see you've already got the poo lined up, HB.

Veuve, too! Yummy.
Well I think it's lovely too. Bob comes across as a genuinely nice guy and I think they're very similar (only from the limited posts I've read, I don't know them) and wish them good luck.
Another day, another avatar, JJ. Nothing to read into... ;-)

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