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battle of the sexes!

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cupid04 | 13:28 Sat 08th May 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
It is a well known fact that women can multi-task. Is there more than one thing a bloke can do at the same time?


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"Can us blokes do more than one thing at the same time?"

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Mr Ask can drive the car and asks me to look left to tell him when it's clear to go, how he manages to do that when he is on his own is a mystery to me.
I envy men because they have excellent spacial awareness
redman41 Report This(13:57 on Sat 08/May/10)
I can read the Paper whilst having sex......
Does the sheep not feel ignored?
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is redman welsh?
No but he's sheep "farming" in Wales I believe.
My husband is far better as multi tasking than me - he puts me to shame! He's a brilliant cook, and just generally organises/does a lot more than me! Couldn't cope without him. He's also been a brilliant hands-on father from day 1. I am a very lucky lady

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battle of the sexes!

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