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Yay!!! Took me all weekend to do my Avatar!

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icemaiden | 13:04 Mon 26th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Honestly, I'm really not this stupid. But that one stumped me. I couldn't see the check box!


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Looking good icemaiden ! Is that you in your Wedding dress ?
Question Author
Wedding dress? No, never worn a wedding dress redman41.
It's my ice white hair you see in the pic. And I'm only 31 :0(
Same here icemaiden, that's why I wear a Hat :-)
^ He wears a hat 'cos the hair is attached to it...........
lol craft ! Like the Lolly btw :-)
hi icey, nice avatar :)
Hi icey, long time no speak x
-- answer removed --
nice piccy
who Newsie me or ice or
Hi Icey long time no speak, do you like mine, my eyes are a bit close together I feel.
Question Author
I have been an avid answer banker for quite a few years now. However, You may be mixing me up with the other icemaiden. There were two of us for a while. I havent seen the other one on here for some time now.

But hi to you all anyways!
-- answer removed --
Question Author
Hi Mamyalynne -your eyes look fab! So cute!!

Thanks Jatte-you made me blush!

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Yay!!! Took me all weekend to do my Avatar!

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