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Need Driver For G45 MDHA16DLXB Graphics Card

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MaryDou | 12:40 Sun 04th Apr 2010 | Computers
6 Answers
Where can I obtain a Driver for this Twin output Graphics Card


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This may be a copy or licensed copy of a standard Matrox card.
Start here ... email support with as much detail as possible if you get to a dead end.
There are a lot of dodgy downloads on web against this product name. Don't download them! Nor that "Driver Detective". Many have spyware, or adware attached.
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Many Thanks for the link Albags. I am awaiting a response, so will see what transpires
That's a g450 based card, the drivers should be available for download here
Question Author
Many Thanks ChuckFickens and also AlBags , very kind of you both to take the trouble
No problem.

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Need Driver For G45 MDHA16DLXB Graphics Card

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