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Now i'm not saying my wife is dim but ...

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Captin Kirk | 11:52 Mon 22nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
our shower has been playing up for a bit with it not heating up properly. Hasn't bothered me as I just take a bath instead. Anyway ... get round to having a look at it ... identified faulty part ... ordered it .. job done so to speak.

Next day she calls me into the bathroom and says will it cure this problem as well ... problem being water pouring through the bottom seal of the shower unit itself! I ask how long has it been doing that for? A couple of weeks but not everytime she replies!

Forgetting the fact I may have wasted money on a part I won't need if it requires a new shower, she could have fried herself!

I know us men can be just as bad but water and electricity!!!

rant over lol ...


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Reminds me....I called the plumber out because my boiler wouldn't turn on. He poked about for ages. He soon realised that the switch on the wall had been turned
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Made me even more cross when she said "i wish I hadn't bothered saying anything now if you are gonna react like that" ...

Still ... I suppose she wouldn't have stayed dim for long ... :-)
An electrian asked my sister where the fuse box was and she went to the cupboard under the sink and brought out a little tub full of 3, 5 and 13 amp fuses......
pmsl Karen....

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Now i'm not saying my wife is dim but ...

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