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Blur on BBC2 now ...

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Captin Kirk | 01:52 Mon 15th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Tender is the night ... brilliant ...

that song kept me going ...


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I've just switched over............what a fcuking row.........
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don't know this one ... but Tender was a great song
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Woo hoo! ... and I feel heavy metal!
Superb! I love Blur...
okay..........must be a generation thing.
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I don't know about a generation thing ... i'm 41 and that's me done ... night crafty and all ... ;)
night kirky x
> okay..........must be a generation thing.

Nothing to do with generation... or genre...

There is no good music. There is no bad music.

No matter what anybody tells you, there are only two types of music: music that you like, and music that you don't...

And it's different for everybody...
Oh I do agree and I always said " I could bath Damon "and my daugther didn`t speak to me for a week. lol
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Blur on BBC2 now ...

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