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Power cut in North London

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MarkRae | 13:43 Tue 23rd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Was anyone else affected by this morning's power cut? Our entire street was out at the very least and, when I rang up to report it, they seemed to imply that it was much more widespread than that!

Thought it was 1974 all over again for a minute or two... ;-)


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NK, do you even know where London is?
20:40 Tue 23rd Feb 2010
I live in north london and there was no power cut here.
If it was 1974 in 2010, we'd have a problem...
Is the power back, now?

I live nowhere near London...
you may be able to correct me - but i believe the widespread power cuts caused by the miner's strike were in early 1972; in 1974 the tory government tried to head off the threat of power cuts by imposing the three-day week but ended up being defeated in edward heath's ill-judged snap election - I remember a graffiti slogan appearing during the campaign, "vote for Ted, 4 days in bed".
what part of Norf London are you from, MarkRae?
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NK, do you even know where London is?
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