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It must be time for bed when . . . .

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DebsyDoo | 02:01 Wed 10th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The last 3 responses on the listings - are your own !!!

(Quite sad really !)

Oh well, g'nite folks !

Been a while since I was here (that's my excuse !!!)


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Mind the fleas don't bite !!!
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Dunno, might be a regional thing ?

I always knew it to be

"Nite Nite, Sleep tight" - mind the fleas don't bite !! - ?

What part you in ?
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That could be it, my family are all from Bristol (where a lot of ships came in & maybe more prone to fleas ?) I dunno, interesting tho' !
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Isn't there such a thing as human fleas ?

I know that living conditions then were nowhere near as what we would consider acceptable nowadays, but having said that - where do bed bugs originate from ?
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I dunno either !

Been nice having a "proper" converstion though !

I'm just glad I didn't live in those insanitory times !!!

Food for thought though - eh ?
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The worse thing I have ever found in my bed was a bad man (!)

On that note, I'll bid you goodnite !

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Yeah, but our interpretation of "bad" is quite different !!!
Nitey nite !!
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It must be time for bed when . . . .

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