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I can't help having a little smile when I hear these names

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Bobbisox | 14:41 Thu 04th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Ban-Ki Moon pronounced Banki Moon and just this week a
Hackimullah Masud, Hacky is a word for dirty, mucky, filthy...up here, like when a child gets grubby, a mum would say, Look at you and how hacky you are !
so Hakimullah conjurs up a scruffy man of the cloth to me, I know he has been killed and is a Taliban Leader, so please don't think I am smiling at the many innocents that lost their lives with him...
only at the name and what vision I racism please....
Bobbi ♥


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The name Paul Condon used make me smile when he was head of Scotland Yard.
I could imagine him as Managing Director of 'Durex' with a name like that. lol
Question Author
it's names like that and what they do make me smile red
like the guy who was talking in the Chilcot enquiry, the Cheif of Defense staff
Sir Jock Stirrup....PMSL
Yes Bobbi I agree ! Jock Stirrup was on TV last night. He would be well suited on Horseback chasing the Hounds .lol
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through the Glens of Scotland eh
someone snodgrass who plays for leeds.that made me laugh last night and i don;t kno why!
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laffs at fluffs
snodgrass...a horse chewing the cud maybe...he-he
Hi, we breed Boxers and our KC "name" is YingsuTiandi meaning poppyfields, as the house we live in was built on a poppyfield, like it?
Question Author
I most certainly do Kat as I was born on Poppy Day
I adore Boxers
Bobbi ♥

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I can't help having a little smile when I hear these names

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