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dla back payment

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stonekicker | 21:47 Sat 30th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
sorry - i know this is probably not the best place to post this, but i know that most abers check this section out. mr stonekicker has been awarded a higher rate of dla and they are back dating the claim by 3 months. i was wondering how long it takes to get the back payment (as we are absolutely skint - i'm talking £3 in my purse for the next 7 days!). will they pay quickly or wait until the next due date of payment to add the extra he is owed? if they do the latter, then we are, well, fooked (for want of a better expression). would just be interested in anybody else's experiences and support. mtia x


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If they have written to you to say its been awarded the back payment should be in your bank any day
It should be in your bank 3 days max after you get the letter telling you this.
Ring them on Monday, if you don't you will be in a pile, if you do they'll pull it out and get it sorted
I congratulate you on being awarded dla, we have been battling with them for months and still no joy!
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telephone - its been so difficult for us too. that was the third bl00dy form i filled out (aren't they hateful things?) and got supporting evidence from gp, cpn, psychologist, psychiatrist and esa too. basically harrassed them until they gave us what we are entitled to - its the first time we have ever claimed anything after working for years and bless him, he just isn't in a position to do that now. see if your local cab can point you in the direction of a service that can help you assess the needs and put them down on the form in terms of it likely getting you the award you need. personally, i think that they make the whole process so difficult that some people don't challenge the refusals. i badgered them until i got what we needed and it took us 11 months and two appeals. come to think of it - it was the same for my mum who is disabled (she needs a hip replacement) and they buggered her about as well. keep going and you will get there - enlist the help of anyone you can to get it sorted. i wish you luck x
Thanks, we will keep battling on
Question Author
thank you dot...will do! the cupboards are bare and my purse contains pennies! aaargh...

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