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Why did she only get ....

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cherrychapstick | 01:06 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
3 years 3months ,when she subjected her son to 6 ½ years of torture !!!


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I wondered this myself. When the length of time one perpetuates a crime is twice as long as the time they must serve to atone for it, there is definitely something wrong...
Aye aye Cherry, life's not fair. The mother sounds like a pathological mental case, if there's such a thing!
she should have got life, what would posess a human being to put their child through this purely for attention!
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and then she will only serve ½ her time too ,it is sickening!! how did she fool the doctors into giving the child an operation
by threatening to sue and playing one doctor against another, surely when they opened him up and found nothing wrong a couple of times the alarm bells would start ringing
Munchausens-syndrome (by proxy)
I think my sister has that, she keeps trying to label her son as ADHD and autistic, theres nothing wrong with him that a bit of disciplin woudn't sort out
When parents are afraid to discipline or can't discipline their children the blame the children bad manners and behaviours on ADHD and Autism.
This label somehow gives them an excuse for the behaviour and a reason for not discliplinning the child so a vicious circle develops
I think it's sad to label children with so-called illnesses when nothing's really wrong with them. In today's society children need much love and attention more than ever. But, parents are too busy juggling jobs and keeping the home, and then whatever time's left goes to the child / children. Children are special and they should always be first priority.
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that is true society but then if we don't have jobs we get so much crap and told we are not doing enough for our children it is a no win situation ,i work from home so i am here when my children come home from school and in the holidays i can come on and check to see if i need to do anything and it doesn't take very long but this is not an ideal situation for everybody
... yes Cherry I know life hard, and cost of living is so bl00dy expensive. I find children needs of today are much greater than those of my childhood days.
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if only we could go back to the days when we were children to show our children what a better lifestyle we had without computers ,that is never going to happen but we can hope

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