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No job again

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karma22 | 17:35 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
They said it would definitely go permanent but it hasn't.I reckon they just used me for Christmas.

There still doesn't seem to be much out there.

How annoying cus I was hoping to get on a half decent salary and move out of my room in shared house


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Comisserations karma. Unfortunately you may well be right - they could have just been using people for the christmas period.
Don't give up hope - and the job will add to your c.v. and experience.
exactly as salla said - treat it all as experience and its good for your CV - hope you get lucky soon !
keep trying, hopefully something will come up x
Sorry to hear your news, it seems as if they used you. I hope you get another one soon, at least you can say you were woking.
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yes its all experience thats one good thing
what do u do karma, and where r u ? i have retail positions open that cant fill, all i get is students who cant work this cant work that.
My friend could only get a temp job but he persueded them to
keep him on , and he is now permanant , good luck .
We got the worrying feeling my son was taken on for just that reason at his work place although he was told it was perminant.
Hi karma, sorry it hasn't worked out, noone can predict how thinsg are going to be in any service industry, the bad weather this last month will have seen a dip in trade which means they will have had to revisit their wage budget. It's rotten but they have to react quickly to the impact of anything big to protect themselves.
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I live in somerset

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