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How am I supposed to get to work???

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benny3008 | 17:04 Fri 08th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
My mums in hospital with my dad and can't leave him, my sisters car is broken, its too icy so i cant take my ped, all my neighbours are out, the buses aren't running, all other family live over 45 miles away, my car wont start and even if it would start, i dont have a licence so i couldn't take that, oh Sh1te. Anyone got any ideas, i could walk but its too far and id have to leave about an hour ago. Bu99er. anyone got any ideas???


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panic over, rang them and they said they dont ned me tonight anyway, yippeeee, night off. :-)
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too flippin right!!

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How am I supposed to get to work???

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