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Just wondering....

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society | 00:27 Thu 07th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Whenever I visit Answerbank , Chatterbank is the first place I scope out. If I don’t see the names I’m familiar with like - Cazzzy, Boo, NoMercy, Bobbisox, Sara, NoKno, Jjayne, Yogi, Squad, Dotty and Sallabanana to name a few (on / posting) I go elsewhere to another site. Do you do the same, or do you stay on and trawl through the different forums?


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I want to know why my name is not in this question - I am sad
Does anyone else think hugh sounds like bobtheturkey?
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you can have my place peri, I'm not using it tomorrow lol
it's too late at night for him to post.
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Fairy nuff, Dot.

Hugh seems friendly, for the moment anyway....
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but will he share his creme egg ???????
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is that you dick ??
say goodnight dick !
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sorry Peri I do forget sometimes, well the important stuff most of the times. :-)
but I'll remember to slip you and crafty in and, and....

hughpugh - you do remind me of the person who shops at Primark with the orange bucket. lol

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Just wondering....

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