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Ive already posted this in health and fitness but the majority of you seem to be here so ill ask here

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TheJigsaw | 12:26 Tue 05th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Has anyone of you used this device or know anyone that has?

Was was the verdict?


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They do work.

Your lungs work by a combination of muscles and gravity.

Like any muscle group, the harder you work them, the more easily they will function.
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I wouldn't believe every exercise machines claims that comes out jayne as that could become an expensive habit with minimal results. Yes In theory It should work, But In the real world does it? I take it you haven't used It jayne?
Im a smoker and im thinking of getting back into the gym and start jogging myself, But with my decreased lung capacity I was thinking of getting one of these devices so I could also implement breathing exercises at home.
Maybe Ill just scour the the net for normal breathing exercises to start off with and then think about this devise at a later stage.

Thanks anyway.
They are recommended for use by the consultant at my chest clinic.I used something similar after my lung operation 6 years ago to help my lungs recover.

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Ive already posted this in health and fitness but the majority of you seem to be here so ill ask here

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