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Cold Winter Payment?

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NoMercy | 13:40 Tue 05th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Hi guys, just spoke to my Nan, and she said that in addition to receiving £250 winter fuel allowance, she also received, last week, a payment of £25 marked as CWP on her statement. She knows nothing about how this smaller payment works, and I must admit that it's one I've never heard of. Why, and how often, is the payment expected to be received? Does the temperature have to remain at a certain low? And is the £25 payable monthly or fortnightly? Thanks.


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All the details are here NoMercy !
Payment depends on average temperature being below zero for 7 days

see this
A Cold Weather Payment is paid automatically when the average temperature is, or is forecast to be, 0 degrees centigrade or below over seven consecutive days and is £25 per period
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But what do they call a period, Lankeela? I have already tried looking on the DWP website for her, but I get bored clicking on so many links, and reading all that jargon.
Everything is on the first page NoM if you click the link
it's every seven if there were 21 consecutive days below zero she'd get £75.00
Correct's all on the DWP link
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Cheers for that, Redman. I was just looking for a simple answer and was too lazy to read, but I found the answer straight away when I clicked on the link :-) I'll give the old trout a call back later.
I must check my bank a/c then but don't think I've received one yet. There was me telling peri earlier today that we had no snow and ice and it has just started snowing really heavily. Damn!
I got one for the week before christmas, so am hoping there will be more to come. They do write to you also but I think deliveries are held up.
I've not had any yet and want to know why!!!

Does anyone know if this has been paid in Sheffield area recently.

Don`t know craft, its dependant on being in receipt of certain benefits and the Met offfice report on Temp in your area.
oh bugger.............I've just read the web site and won't get it as they think I have too much money already :-(
-- answer removed --
No, checked the bank a/c but not received it. Mind you it hasn't been as cold here in East Sussex as it has elsewhere, although it's bloody freezing at the moment.

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Cold Winter Payment?

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