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honey01 | 16:36 Mon 04th Jan 2010 | Riddles
7 Answers
1.examination {with amin and the o in bold ink] 2.granny with the word smith underneath and 3.14159 by the side. 3.apr l the f rst. 4.tarantella [with the te and last a in bold ink]. 5.denture
denture denture
denture denture denture
denture denture
6. i, iii,v, vii, ix, az. 7. the word original with equal signs on four sides. nine x's in a box followed by the word often .many thanks


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2 apple pie
4 tea dance
1. acid test
5 Falsetto? Set of false teeth??
7 First among equals
nine x's = Nine times out of ten.
there must be something obvious in No,. 6 but I can't see it - odd numbers, Roman numbers, A-Z... I wish I could help!

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