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should i become vegetarian?

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mollykins | 10:47 Thu 24th Dec 2009 | Food & Drink
40 Answers
i either don't like some meats or the ones that i find edible have no flavour, so whats the point in eating meat?

beef and lamb i have to cover in onion/ mint to make it edible, but then the texture is either dry, fatty or chewy.

chicken pork and most fish don't taste of much so whats the point.

and once i had a tuna sandwich, before i went scuba diving, not realising there were tuna in the water, and i felt really bad, plus i want to be a marine biologist and i'll feel really bad then.

so whats the point in me eating meat?


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yeah but its christmas and we're going round a lot of people houses for dinners. I could make it a new years resolution that i eat as little meat as possible (sometimes hard to avoid if i'm school dinner and i don't like the veggie option).
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the schools chilli con carne and this wierd veggie pasta mush they make is vile.
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Take a pack up....
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sometimes in the evenings, we won't have time for much, only a quick snack, so on those day i'm school dinner. This is once or twice a fortnight though.
why dont you become a veggie in the new year, its a bit short notice to spring it on family now.
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Take a pack up and cook your own meals. I've been cooking my own meals since I was 10.
Molly, if you want to do something you can do it, you can make your own lunch for example and do schools no longer offer sandwiches or a salad option? (its been a while :-)

you ask a question based aound the fact you want to go veggie then spend the rest of the thread coming up with reasons why you can't. If you truely want to do something you can, this is not a hard thing to do. its not forever and you base your diet on what suits you, maybe eat veggie in the main but eat meat as you want to or if its easier. ie your going out for a meal or in a resturant with crap veggie options.
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I want to go veggie but think there are to many things stopping me - perhaps hoping you guys could find ways of overcoming them.

fluff - they only have salad as a side and with the meal deals you have to buy, you have a main two sides and a flavoured drink/a pudding + water or you can have a sandwich ( either filled with meat or made soggy with tomatoes or pickle - either way the bread is horrible) + a yogurt or biscuit and a flavoured drink.
why dont you do some googling about vegetarianism, only you know what you really want to do.
then make your own, its not that hard i usually cook some pasta then add whatever i feel like to it and take it to work, or you could make a rice or cous cous salad. Sandwiches don't have to be soggy, make your own you can have what you like in them then.

If you want to do this there isn't actually anythign stopping you, just excuses you are making. maybe your scared i don't know but its not forever unless you want it to be, if you decide to go veggie today and change your mind tomorrow its no big deal

As cazz said try googling, have a look at that link i gave you.
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Its jsut the school ones, their either soggy or got horrible processed ham or turkey in them.
ok i give up you are officially making my brain hurt (its not all you fault jagermeister has something to do with it as well......) good luck to you whatever you decide and have a nice christmas

and sorry for shouting this but you keep missing the obvious

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I DO, but sometimes i have to be schooldinner.
Hi mollykins,

I dont see the point in you going veggie, as others have said you seem to be making a lot of excuses not to!

Just eat what you want to eat and when you want to eat it!
My best mate went veggie around 10, and she is now vegan, same as my cousin but that is because they have ethical reasons. There is no point saying should I go veggie just because you dont like some meats but will still eat them at other times when you have to. I dont like certain meats, but would never beecome a veggie, and I even had people trying to force it on me when I was studying animal car at college!

So, to sum it up, no you shouldnt become veggie, you should just eat what you want when you want and if need be make your own lunch and learn to cook for yourself!

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I don't like any meat, at all except ham cooked in coke is edible.
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lamb and beef have a horrible flavour and are often chewy or dry, fish is ethical and i hate getting bones in my mouth (plus i don't like the taste of smoked fish) pork either has no flavour to it or sausage and bacon is greasy which makes me want to vomit, and stuff like chicken has no flavour. so whats the point in eating any of them?
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