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Am I mad?

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NoMercy | 22:30 Sun 20th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Someone just told me that I am "mad"....

Do you agree :-)



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A little unhinged perhaps... x
-- answer removed --
Egocentric perhaps but not mad.
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Nothing that can't be remedied though, surely? :-(
Oh yes..............stark raving :0)
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Stark naked FYI...
''Nothing that can't be remedied though, surely?''

As long as you're happy... you never see an unhappy mad person do ya...
It's all relative.....
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Nice one, Craft. :-)
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And I've also been told I've got a big elbow....
You're lovely............and just a bit mad too, NoM xx
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Fckey ducky do.... I typed a r s e.... not elbow !

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Am I mad?

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