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Ifg I had a dinner party,who would I invite??

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Bobbisox | 18:22 Sat 24th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Defo BS, the more I see of him, the more I like him, he' sarky and witty, I like that, craft for her saucy s.o.h and peri and DEN for their daft as a brush take on life, who would you invite???


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c'mon, whos up for a shindig???
hope I can deliver
had 4 drinks already he-he
true cathy...........he'll be struggling to get into his basque.....
is this a spanish themed party then ?
''is this a spanish themed party then ?''

Cool... I'll cover myself in Gazpacho...
Craft lol sqad - basque....hmmmmhhhhh
My daughter told me about someone who was asked on a job interview who they would like to be at a dinner party with, either living or dead. They answered Oh definitely someone living!!!!!

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Ifg I had a dinner party,who would I invite??

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