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Psst, have a look on the internet topic,

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tonyav | 13:54 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
daffy's having a go.


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I am strangely drawn to topics in the tch and gaming section that mention illegal downloading. Me and vibra are usually the only ones who ever speak out against it.
I can't help it if i'd never heard of axxo and the googling I did gave me wrong
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Righto girls, get over to the Internet topic and make the arrogant twat have it. LOL
we could post a link on illegal downloads and copying, just for fun!!
yes please NoM, found out how to do a youtube thingy and wanted to direct another poster to help them with a similar question, right clicking, C&P stuff didn't work out, but daffy came to the rescue :)
perhaps I could call him an arrogant tw@t, would that help?
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many thanks NoM it's not often but will be handy to know x
looks like gang mentality to me
is that like a clan steg?
lol craft, yip something like that
my clan is the oldest clan in Scotland

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