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tonyav | 14:21 Sun 11th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How many of you had a coalhouse either a built in one or a stand alone one at your house when you were a kid, and was it used for coal or did your dad use it like a mini shed ?.


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My Grandfather had a huge Coalshed as he used to keep all his Garden Tools in there as well.
No but we had middens in the back
Yes we ahd a coal house, it was at the side of the house where the coalman would empty the bags of coal in and you could get a shovel full from inside the cupboard which was at the end of the kitchen also known as the scullery!!!
yes we had a coal bunker type thing and when the coal level was low the smallest of us had to go to the back to get the remaining nuggets LOL Happy days and the be scrubbed with VIM in the kitchen sink
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Bobbi, i have had many a maiden up the back lane lol.
Also up the Front Lane, Tonyav ? lol
too early in the day with the answer I had..pmsl
Might have guessed this wouldn`t stay on topic LOL
never said a word mamya...but will probs, can't contain
The Women in tonyav's life went into Coalshed White and came out Black ! lol
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mayalynn, i remember the scrubbing down with Vim, after scraping out the last bit of slack from the back of the coalhouse. ( memorys of my mom standing me in the sink and scrubbing me with that bloody flannel and Vim ).
And heres me thinking we would be reminiscing about Tar bubbles and playing Hopscotch ah well maybe I dream on LOL
We had a grandad was a coalman with a horse and cart.....
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Your right there redman, me and the girl from next door spent many a happy hour in our coal house.
I had a coal shoot...that's what i call our front garden. The coalman would just take off the lid and tip the coal into the cellar.
The coalmen used to carry the bags of coal through the hallway, into the kitchen & emptied into the cupboard which was under the staircase. In the summer, the floor & walls of it used to be thoroughly cleaned out. We then used to make it into our little den.

It was pitch black when the door was closed, so we lit candles & huddled up telling little stories to each other.

Happy days....
Thought I'd just mention - my huband spotted a coal delivery lorry yesterday, first one for years!

Just like old times!

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