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Macmillan support quiz

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katmarrow | 16:35 Wed 14th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
sorry to anyone that i obviously upset regarding this quiz, it was not intentional. I hope the person who wet his trousers has got them dry. I didnt realise that people got so uptight about these things - its only a quiz after all. If I've ruined it for anyone then I apologise.It wont happen again


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I'm guessing that you posted asking for an answer to one of the questions in that quiz. This site is nothing if not a place for answers.
Ask away. If people don't like it they can always go somewhere else.
i agree with you sandy -wroe . if you arent trying to find out answers, why are you on this site ? and any way you have have to press on MORE to find the answers, so i suggest you stop being so curious and kepp you fingers under control . i have been repremanded several times for asking questions .my motto in life is to treat others how i would like to be treated
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Macmillan support quiz

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