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Anybody fancy a morning chuckle yet.

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tonyav | 08:50 Wed 14th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
It's OK, it's PC and non controversial.


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Boring then?
let hear it
It's bin bag day today. I've just looked at the recycling....There's about 5 bags of what appears to be Stella cans...oh the shame..!!
Question Author
I knew that would catch your interest Bobbi LOL. I'm still getting Stephen Gately text jokes, and i'm getting fed up of them now ffs it's going on longer than the Jacko thing.
I dont receive PC jokes...ever!!!! either email or
Question Author
Niether do i as a rule Bobbi, but this one was sent to me by my 12 year old Nephew !.

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Anybody fancy a morning chuckle yet.

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