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Yet another morning chuckle.

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tonyav | 10:17 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just bought some Sainsburys sausages. There's a picture of Jamie Oliver on the front. On the back it says ' prick with fork '.
Cant argue with that !


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Oi you been reading my texts tony, I just got that one last night, lol
many a true work spoken in jest :D
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Bobbi, did you send that one to me. i had that text last night aswell.
I like Jamie Oliver....
they must
I got a few good ones, but daren't print them, and they had nowt to do with the furore of yesterday either, just quite rude, I know me
Joy - I am sure I sent this joke to you ages ago.....................but instead of Jamie it had Ainsley Harriot.
...........but does he like you, ummmm?

He seems to spit and lick his fingers a lot when cooking food, but he's ok!
not sure, probs did DEN in an email?
Morning Yogi...
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So have i Bobbi, who will post them first, you or I. LOL
Of course he does Yogi....
shurrruppp tony..pmsl
Do you want me tarred and feathered...????
go for it livened yesterday up.......snigger
Morning Boobi's x
will you be paying me ransom crafty...pmsl, to get me out again!
No I'd just sit back and PMSL.....again
aww fanks craft, don't know about tenas, it'll be Pampers you
This thread is on Face Book....
Hows that umm, who has it on there???
or is it a coincidence?
The Ed has joined face book. Search Answer Bank and it's the one with the autumn leafs. Add him as a friend and you'll see it.
-- answer removed --

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Yet another morning chuckle.

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